Ottery St. Mary & Seaton
Abbott's is a family owned and run business offering a massive selection of products for DIY, Garden, Tools, Paint, Ironmongary, Timber, Kitchenware & Housewares, all at LOW Prices.
At Abbott's we don`t just aim to stay 'competitive' with the DIY superstores, we constantly check our prices
against the big three so we can aim to keep our prices below or on par with the DIY superstores.
Abbots DIY In Ottery St Mary
Abbotts DIY in Ottery St Mary
Abbotts Ottery
Abbots Ottery
Abbots Seaton
Abbotts Seaton
Abbotts DIY Seaton EX12
DIY Store In Ottery St Mary EX11
DIY Store in Seaton EX12
Hardware Store In Ottery St Mary EX11
Hardware Store In Seaton EX12
Key Cutting Ottery St Mary EX11
Key Cutting Seaton EX12
Rug Doctor Ottery St Mary EX11
Rug Doctor Seaton EX12
Dulux Paint, Dulux Trade, Dulux Offers, Dulux Paint Mixing In Ottery St Mary EX11
Dulux Paint, Dulux Trade, Dulux Offers, Dulux Paint Mixing In Seaton EX12
Kitchen Cookware Housewares Plastics Ottery St Mary EX11
Kitchen Cookware Housewares Plastics Seaton EX12
Timber Plumbing Electrical Ottery St Mary Ex11
Timber Plumbing Electrical Seaton Ex12
Builders supplies Builders merchants Seaton EX12
Builders supplies Builders merchants Ottery St Mary EX11
Builders supplies Builders merchants Ottery St Mary EX11
See our stock range and prices live,
through our google store.
Click on the links below.
What Can Abbott's Do For You??
The staff at Abbott’s offer superb product knowledge as well as a personal one to one customer service, Product knowledge is very important to us, and we regularly keep up to date by going on courses to learn about new products.
Abbott's is a truly family firm, with three family members working together every day in the shop, to offer our customers
a truly personal service. We offer a good old fashioned service, in a modern style store, giving you the best of both worlds.
We listen to our customers, so we constantly strive to improve our ranges and service. But don't just take our word for it, as Abbott's were awarded 'UK Hardware Retailer Of The Year' in 2011 & 2016, for their Product Range, Customer Service and Low Prices.
So come and visit us and see what Abbott's can do for you!
For Ottery Gazette's January Promotion T&C'c please visit our Ottery Store page
Have A Quick Look Around Our Stores
Click on the links below for the Google street store tour or YouTube videos
Please note: Although 85% of our stock file is on our google store some items are not. ie. non google shop items like timber, mixed paint or loose items.